Medical Insurance and Bill Management TipsMedical insurance and bill management can be among the most frustrating aspects of cancer care for you and your caregivers. Most hospitals and clinics will provide a patient services representative to assist you. Identify these individuals and seek their help whenever necessary. Here are some additional things you can do to help:
Get a copy of your insurance policy and find out exactly what your coverage includes. Your employer or insurance company can help you with this.
Call your health insurance provider to clarify any questions that you have. Also make sure you are aware of any possible coverage issues before you start treatment.
Talk to your health care team to request that insurance coverage of any procedure, test, or treatment be verified prior to your receiving them. If your health care team is unable to provide this service, they should be able to identify an alternative resource to assist you.
Keep careful records of all your covered expenses, claims, denials, and appeals throughout the claims process. Do not throw away any correspondence.
Take notes during your conversations with insurance representatives. Include their names and job titles. Keep these notes with your records. If you think the representative is wrong, ask to speak with his or her supervisor.
If you have a claim that has been denied, talk with your health insurance provider to find out what steps you can take to appeal.
Insurance terminology can be confusing, especially during a time when you are focused on your treatment and goals of therapy.
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