You smile even though ur heart aches....sumthing pulls u down ...sumthing so heavy still u rise high n make d effort to smile just to see d person u love HAPPY !!! You love d person , cant live widout him but still u wanna let go coz u feel sumthing is just not right....may be the thing u did for him was just not good enough.....Not enough for him to be happy.....You just completely fall apart when u talk wid him....coz u love him truely....dunt just wanna let him go.....No matter who broke ur heart or how betrayin it was u will never get through it widout d help of him !!!!
Are all d relationships based on lies n mutually accepted delusions? Pretense ? are all our lives based on tht ? we know what's inside us still we pretend n smile !!! The make beliefs n d pretence ...i cant drag it through d days.....m getting over it....but i dunt know how long can i go....i remember d day n i just break up inside.....What's holding meh back time n time....i try to move wid time but sumwhe sum part of meh is stuck behind....ummm a Grand gesture ? the Vague gesture? As if studyin MBBS is getting dramatic enough for meh all sorts of things happens wid meh....woah god am i d only person u see ?You alys seem to pull out d rug under meh whenever m so stable wid u enjoy doing it or what?
Merry Christmas from The Everyday Adventurer!
1 month ago
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