happy is d time u find when love is dere....laughter is dere n most of all d persons who mean a lot to u r dere.....i miss everyone....i miss everything.....d taste of life is changin wid every second.....it's not coz others like it n m changin for em ....guess it happens when u get older....ummm lemme say when u get wiser ;)....sum ppl can be urs once u see them....u bound to know tht they have cm ur way to b d part of ur life....n sum r those who have been there in ur life for years n still their presence n absence doesn't make any difference at all......there's alys been a moment wid everyone....everyone has a special place...tht i feel just when d person leaves ...when they r right infront of meh i alys fight :0...well tht's meh.....remember cmin to china for d first time n it was all d ppl out here n mah sis who helped meh.....i used to study a lot n enjoy at same moment......things n time were different then......slowly everyone graduated n they went their way....still i am in touch wid em but i miss em when i used to walk wid em d same way...when i cross their rooms (which used to be).....hate walkin to those restaurants n eatin when i used to be there wid em ......seems enjoyment tuk a break there itself....they tuk it wid em ......now's it meh in mah room most of d time....i hardly care wht ppl think nowadays.....wid exceptions dere ;)......now it's for us ppl to graduate....6 more months out here...:)....i miss mah home,i miss everyone out dere....n i know i'll miss out here here too.....not forgetting d time i used to have on mah own....d space i used to have....mah own room.....ummm but when i think all abt these it's nuthin compared to goin back home n being wid everyone....8 yrs been out of home n all i want is to be at hm.....at Nepal :).M over wid d complaining tht it sucks out here.anyhow i have to be here even if i complain or not....so just enjoyin mah days ....i know i 'll miss these same cmin days when i'll be back hm ;)
Merry Christmas from The Everyday Adventurer!
1 month ago
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