Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The world ain't urs BABY !!!!!

9 months in d womb n we r brought in d same way into this world.d same way we r loved n our wishes r fulfilled.we grow up n then d differences start.d sarcasm , d pretence , d superiorty complex.d every negative things, widout oneself realising.we expect to be better, better than others in every way, perfect in all d ways we be d "one" in everything we do.but y do we forget tht human being r not all perfect.there's alys sumthing tht pulls us ask for d perfect figues, you ask for d brains or u ask for d life of d perfect person u imagine but we forget they in a way suck too.we dunt know em.we just see d outer lives of them but if we get to know em....every person has d bitter part of their own.more or less d same as ours.every ppl stands in d same line only tht we dunt see d every case we see us ourselves in d last n others in d front.each one feels d same.THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON D OTHER SIDE.Never ever make d mistake to wish u lived sumone else's life only coz d person is rich n lives a happier life.d things may never seem d same.

i say IT SUCKS TO BE U DAMMIT !!!!! .... u r no way different than meh.just coz i failed doesnt make u superior than meh. maybe i dunt have that u had. LUCK !!!!! ....but d world goes around n cms around. i'll have my day n you dunt have what i have. THE WORLD AIN'T URS BABY !!!


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